About Us

We are so glad to welcome you to our homepage. It is our hope that we can help you learn more about the grace that saves us through Jesus Christ our Savior. There are studies, links and other options to help you explore and study God’s word. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to call or email me.

(914) 761-6363

Westchester Church Of Christ Facts:

We are a Bible-based, nondenominational church, and our whole heart is focused on helping people connect with God and others. We are “a loving family led by God to reach a broken world.”

If you come and visit us for worship on Sundays at 10 AM, we hope that you will find the following atmosphere:


We are praying everyday that God sends people just like you into our lives. And just as God has done with us, we seek to take people wherever they are in their walk with God. You will be greeted with a smile and coffee. (Higher Grounds).

Whether you need space or want to engage in meaningful conversation, we seek to be responsive to your needs. If you are looking for deeper relationships, we also invite you to check out one of our small groups.


When we gather together, we believe that God himself is present through his Holy Spirit. We offer up spiritual songs using our voices(all a cappella), and we seek to show that the Spirit is indeed among us by demonstrating the characteristics of the Spirit–love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper each week, there encountering the risen Christ and remembering his death and resurrection.

Culturally Relevant

In today’s culture, multimedia is a way of life, and so appropriate video, slides, and songs that enhance and illustrate the biblical message are used each Sunday. Our Internet based culture is also highly interactive, and so people share their stories or testimonies of faith, with questions being asked during the message to engage the members. Messages offer practical help for daily Christian living at work, in the family, and in the church.

Children Friendly

Jesus said that unless we become like little children, we cannot enter into the kingdom of God. So each service we offer Bible Hour for our children from ages 3-6.


For sunday offerrings you can also use Zelle if preferred by following the instructions on the Zelle link. ZELLE